In the Quiet…

This past year, my greatest fear was silence… And as I ran from silence, I was also running from the voice of God. I was quenching the Spirit due to my stubbornness to be still. I have always been someone who can handle a lot (ask my mom for evidence if you must). The Lord…


There is beauty in repentance. There is joy in surrender.   I relate to Ahaz. I relate to Jonah.   “If you are not firm in faith, you will not be firm at all.” –Isaiah 7:9b   In the midst of a complicated political situation, God speaks to Ahaz. God asks Ahaz to ask for…

Ethan Roser

It is hard to know how to start a post like this. However, there are a few things that I do know with full confidence. One is that Ethan Roser’s faithfulness deserves to be honored. Secondly, Ethan Roser was a guy who deeply loved the Lord and had a deep desire to tell people about…

Breaking Down Barriers

Homelessness. It is a reality that smacks you in the face when you enter into a large urban city like Chicago. Chicago has been a town that I have visited regularly since my youth. When I was 12, I remember clearly, walking around the streets with my heart breaking for these people. I wanted to…

Don’t Settle

It’s funny how quickly we are to settle. We settle for anything that we assume is best for us. When in reality, what we desire for ourselves is not what is best at all. A year or so ago, I painted the words “Don’t Settle” on a canvas, because ya know trying to be that typical…


Life is crazy to say the least. It is easy to fall into a mode of life where you are going, going, going…. Rest seems impossible in this state. Culture proclaims that this is the best type of life. If we are busy, we are accomplishing a lot. If we are busy, it means that…


I have this thing that I like to call the people pleasing syndrome. In all my actions, I generally tend to consider how it will affect those around me. To some degree this is actually a good tendency since I tend to be considerate of people’s feelings without much thinking. However, nothing is good when…

Our Primary Focus

This world is full of distractions. Every way we turn, there is something with the potential of distracting us from the Lord. Just look at anyone’s social media. Everyone has their focus on something… whether it is clothes… a sport… a relationship with someone… Everyone has their primary focus on something. We are born as…

A New Chapter

Our lives are a beautiful story. God, as the author of our story, decides when to push us into the next chapter that is completely unknown by us. When God is about to reveal to us a new chapter, many questions begin to swarm our minds with doubt of God’s goodness. We wonder: What about…

Our Solid Rock

Change. It’s a word that we all tend to cringe at. Society is in constant flux with something new arriving into society’s scene at every second. We try to cling to the new and convince ourselves that the new will not fade into the old. We desire for life to remain still. We often catch…